Why We Can’t Can Our Beverages

Cans vs Glass Bottles

In the fall of 2023, Gavin Sack’s lab at Cornell University reported that can liners of canned Kombucha degrade over time. After a month, kombucha consistently contained high levels of aluminum compared to other canned beverages.

Hydrogen Sulfide Formation in Canned Wines

Early in 2023 research was published by Gavin Sack’s lab at Cornell University that reported wines stored in aluminum cans produced 10 times the amount of Hydrogen Sulfide compared to glass. Aluminum is known to react with low pH and low oxygen beverages.

Aluminum Can Corrosion in “Hard-to-Hold” Beverages 

It has been recently made public that Gavin Sack’s lab at Cornell University has found that can liners of hard-to-hold beverages such as sour beer, energy drinks, and kombucha degrade over time, with dissolved aluminum being a proxy for corrosion. Even only after a month, kombucha consistently contained extremely high levels of aluminum in all types of aluminum can liners – epoxy, BPA, lacquer, and polymer.

Sustainable Solutions

We advocate for sustainable serving practices by endorsing the utilization of reusable serving alternatives. This includes our use of glass and stainless steel for taste testing cups, alongside the provision of reusable serving cups, either through purchase or our free rental services.